Home entertainment 10G .. The maximum speed revolution in the era of digital internet

10G .. The maximum speed revolution in the era of digital internet


Telecom technology has developed very much, and the Internet began to go towards the maximum speed era, as 10G technology, which exceeded the borders, appeared, relying on the infrastructure of the optical fiber and cables, which provides a speed of up to 10 GB per second, which makes the Internet speed Comparable to the speed of thinking.

What is the difference between 5G and 10 g

The 5G technology depends on the wireless communications of mobile devices, and although it achieves a very high internet speed, thanks to this technology, the appearance of 10G achieves a real digital boom in the field of communications, while providing 8K broadcasting broadcasting services.

The 10G technology is characterized by a powerful live broadcast, which contributes to improving the quality of watching direct broadcasting and interactive games, achieving high accuracy with an optimal experience for the user.

The 10G technology is a good friend of the environment, as it depends on modern methods that reduce energy consumption in a large percentage, compared to other networks, which contributes to preserving the environment.

Promote user protection component

The 10G technology relies on the user protection strategy, and supports the safety element to protect against cyber attacks and piracy campaigns, which enhances the status of technology in the world of communications technology, where telecommunications technologies face the risk of electronic attacks exposed through it.

Multiple connection guarantee

10G technology provides super speed rates when connecting to the Internet even if there is a large number of devices connected to the same source at one time, this does not reduce the speed of the Internet.



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