Home entertainment 1.1 million dinars payments via “TAM” during 2024

1.1 million dinars payments via “TAM” during 2024


Samaher Saif Al Yazal

A completion of 3384 transactions via the platform

Reports of periodic statistics for electronic services in the Information and Electronic Government Authority revealed during the period from January 2023 to December 2024 that the value of the financial payments that took place through the “TAM” platform – amounted to 1.146908 dinars.

According to the latest statistics, 3384 financial operations were carried out through the “Tam” platform in the past two years.

The application of PIMENTIONLELs, “PIE”, “Tam Bills”, was launched at the beginning of 2021, to facilitate the payment of any invoice bills to be paid, as the payment points around the Kingdom reached 2,600 payment points.

The application, which is witnessing continuous developments and adding modern features from time to time, provides many features and features, which include communication bills payments, electricity and water authority payments and inquiries, in addition to a variety of gift vouchers and communication cards, and the application also includes the option of «Outstanding Bills» It is one of the main features that allows the user to track the bills due to pay, as this feature enables users who have many bills to pay all of them through the application and pay them at once when the date for payment is.

It is noteworthy that Pie is one of the leading companies that plays a major role in the field of financial technology in Bahrain and the region. This last achievement reflects the company’s commitment to providing a full financial environmental system that enables a non -monetary society.

PIE comes at the forefront of companies enhancing innovation in the Kingdom, and it is licensed by the Central Bank of Bahrain to provide payment services, issuance of cards and e -wallets “Ewallet” and EMENEY electronic money.

Pie creates innovative solutions and services for individuals and companies in Bahrain and the region, and this includes “TAM Wallet”, “Tam Kiosk” kiosks, “Tam Cards” and “TAM MPOS” And “Din Dinar Dinar” and the Wage Wage Protection Service “WPS”.



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