Home entertainment π-HuB: the proteomic navigator of the human body

π-HuB: the proteomic navigator of the human body


  • F.H. conceived the concept of π-HuB and designed its scientific goals, and contributed ideas for phronesis medicine with L.X., F.H., R.A., M.S.B., X.W.B., X.C.B., D.W.C., C.C., L.C., X.C., H.C., F.C., W.E., J.F., P.F., D.F., G.F.G., W.G., Z.-H.G., K.G., W.W.B.G., D.G., C.G., T.G., A.J.R.H., H.H., T.H., N.G.I., Y.J., C.R.J., L.J., N.L.K., M.L., Y.L., Q.L., C.H.L., F.L., G.-H.L., Y.S.L., Z.L., T.Y.L., B.L., M.M., A.M., R.L.M., E.N., G.N., G.S.O., G.P., Y.P., C.P., T.C.W.P., A.P., J.Q., R.R., P.J.R., P.R., C.S., J.S., E.S., S.S., A.S., S.K.S., C.T., L.T., R.T., J.V.E., J.A.V., C.W., X.W.W., X.X.W., Y.W., T.W., M.W., R.W., B.W., L.W., L.X., W.X., Tao Xu, L.Y., J.Y., X.Y., J.R.Y., Q.W.Z., L.H.Z., L.Q.Z., Y.K.Z., Q.Z. and Y.P.Z. contributed ideas and suggestions for the conception and design of this project. T.G., L.T. and Y.W. contributed coordination of the π-HuB Consortium. J.Y. wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and created the figures with F.H., T.G., Y.L. and L.X. F.H., R.A., M.S.B., F.C., P.F., D.F., Z.-H.G., K.G., W.W.B.G., T.G., H.H., T.H., N.G.I., C.R.J., L.J., M.L., Q.L., F.L., Y.S.L., T.Y.L., R.L.M., G.S.O., T.C.W.P., A.P., R.R., P.J.R., C.S., S.K.S., J.A.V., T.W., R.W., B.W., L.W., J.Y., J.R.Y. and Q.Z. provided important edits to the manuscript. All authors contributed to review and editing of the manuscript. The π-HuB Consortium contributed to the discussion of strategic π-HuB research plans.



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